
Showing posts from January, 2022

1-29-22 Assignment

  1. Please study the PowerPoint and make sure you can read the sentences without pinyin. 2. Memorize the vocabulary  Lesson 20 Vocabulary  At the airport icl1-lesson-20-flash-cards / Test: test?answerTermSides=2& promptTermSides=6& questionCount=20& questionTypes=4&showImages= false 3. If you have not completed the character worksheets, please do so. 4. Watch the video below and cut off the character (春) to bring to the class. v=P5_M8EY8RDo

1-23-22 Assignments

1. Read the handout well and you will have a quiz. 2. Study the vocabulary on P.290 3. Complete the character worksheets 4. Write down your trip packing list  5. Prepare 1 minute speech